

David A. Kaplan - The Most Dangerous Branch (2020) "In the words of Alexander Hamilton, the Supreme Court is “the least dangerous branch…having neither force nor will, but merely judgment.” And yet events of 2018 — especially the resignation of “swing vote” Justice Anthony Kennedy, and the ugly and contentious Brett Kavanaugh hearings — were only the latest manifestations of the court’s transformation into a political circus. David A. Kaplan’s new book, The Most Dangerous Branch, which was published between Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation, asserts that the Supreme Court has gone seriously off the rails: pushing itself into increasingly incendiary cases, attempting to remake U.S. social order, and overturning acts of Congress at will (and, in the process, weakening that branch of government). He mostly makes his case, although it will take a hardy reader to stick with him until the end."     ~ Elizabeth J. Moore - Washington Post, KOBO Books